These are challenging times – to say the least. We are being tested at many levels in our professional and personal lives: working virtually, setting up a structure, keeping a balance between work, kids, running the household with no help, staying motivated and focused, missing our family and friends. The list is long.
We need to find ways to get through these times.
In this upcoming online workshop we will be exploring how your talents and strengths can help you to find and keep your balance.
Your talents and strengths influence your reactions to situations. By being conscious of your talents, you can take action to compensate and decrease your stress.
Let’s consider flexibility as an example to illustrate.
If you are not a super flexible person, this means that even if you are willing to adapt and adjust to a new environment or situation, you need time to do so. I am one of those persons: when something was agreed or planned and then suddenly changed, my first reaction is to resist. I can literally feel it in my body. I take some time to adapt, to go with the flow of the new direction, and eventually do partly tapping on some of my strong talents, such as empathy or rationality for instance.
Taking this in the current context, your degree of flexibility and adaptability will influence how fast you accept and adapt to the reality of confinement, but also how fast you look for new solutions to a problem, rather than resisting moving forward. And how fast you will re-evaluate according to the new need as we move ahead in time with the confinement being extended coming with additional challenges.
I believe human beings are in essence very adaptable. How fast we adapt to a new situation however, is an individual process.
In this online workshop we will look at which talents naturally help you in our current reality of confinement, which ones need attention and which ones are drainers which block you from finding a way to deal with it. Together we will look for solutions for you.
In this 90 minutes workshop you will:
- Reflect upon the meaning of your talents in this current situation. Don’t know your talents? Don’t worry, I will be sending you a summary handout to reflect on before the class.
- Reflect upon your unique needs
- Gain insight on how to counteract your energy drainers
- Get ideas of how you, with your unique personality, you can deal with the challenge
- Walk away with ideas on how you can cope with this situation
As mentioned, if you don’t know your talents, don’t worry. I will be sending you a summary handout to reflect on before the class. If however we have been working together before around talents, bring your CoreTalents list along.
Join me live for this free Online workshop on coming Thursday April 23, at 5 pm (CET).
Only 10 places available. Enroll here