True North’s mission is for you
to achieve full potential,
in your work and in your life.

Do you feel…
Like you lost your MOJO?
Disengaged, unsure and aimless?
Unclear on your next step? 
Like you are always on the go with no time to think? 
Like you aren’t the best leader you can be?  

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True happiness involves the full use of one’s power and talents.
John W. Gardner

On the blog

A tip on how to make that career shift happen

If you are thinking of a career shift, it’s very probable you are not enjoying your present position. You are likely to feel drained, frustrated, irritable – generally not feeling good. When someone wants to make a career shift, the first step they do is to take...

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Set Your Compass for 2018

January is well on its way, so there has been enough time for setting resolutions unless perhaps you are still wondering how to fit things in. Whatever the weight you give to New Year resolutions, a new year does invite reflection. Reflection on both the old and new...

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5 questions for a meaningful reflection on 2017

  2017 is almost over. Time for a sincere review of the year before we plunge into 2018. I would like to invite you to go over 5 key questions to reflect on and review your year. This is a great exercise to see what really matters to you and how you want to move...

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