True North’s mission is for you
to achieve full potential,
in your work and in your life.

Do you feel…
Like you lost your MOJO?
Disengaged, unsure and aimless?
Unclear on your next step? 
Like you are always on the go with no time to think? 
Like you aren’t the best leader you can be?  

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True happiness involves the full use of one’s power and talents.
John W. Gardner

On the blog

Top 7 Reasons Why You Need to Know Your Talents

There are many reasons why you need to know your talents but these are the main ones I would like to share with you. 1, Energy It is very simple. Your talents give you energy, mental energy. When you are doing something where you use your talents, you will feel...

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Time for a Reboot: Five tips

Summer time is over – the beat, mood, and life we adopt and adapt to during summer now needs to change. “How was your summer?” is hardly the number one subject at social gatherings any more. School has started, business life is gaining momentum and everyone is slowly...

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Inspiring TED Talks

This summer I have been starting my days with a cup of tea listening to a TED talk before walking the dog. TED talks are really great sources of inspiration. They are maximum 20 minutes which means they are short enough for you to be willing to sit down and listen,...

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