True North’s mission is for you
to achieve full potential,
in your work and in your life.

Do you feel…
Like you lost your MOJO?
Disengaged, unsure and aimless?
Unclear on your next step? 
Like you are always on the go with no time to think? 
Like you aren’t the best leader you can be?  

Get your own Kindle edition of Crafting the Authentic You now!

True happiness involves the full use of one’s power and talents.
John W. Gardner

On the blog

Lessons on a leash

Our puppy Karu continues giving me fabulous insights into life.  Although, still very much a puppy, he is growing fast. A couple of weeks ago, he taught me something about visions, action plans, engagement, and perseverance. When we got Karu, back in October, I had...

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A Coaching Success Story

Cathriona came to me through another client and friend for career coaching. We embarked on a fabulous journey together starting with a talent analysis and extending beyond the initially intended career coaching, to life coaching and crafting. Recently, we both felt a...

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Set Your Compass for 2017

We're well into January, so there has been enough time for setting resolutions, or perhaps you are still wondering how to fit things in. Whatever the weight we give New Year's resolutions, a new year does invite reflection. Reflection on both the old and new year....

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