True North’s mission is for you
to achieve full potential,
in your work and in your life.

Do you feel…
Like you lost your MOJO?
Disengaged, unsure and aimless?
Unclear on your next step? 
Like you are always on the go with no time to think? 
Like you aren’t the best leader you can be?  

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True happiness involves the full use of one’s power and talents.
John W. Gardner

On the blog

Getting Clarity and Stepping Up

A worldwide survey around the gender issue done by Mercer suggests that actions need to be taken at two levels to improve gender equality. At an organisational level, from hiring and promoting women to rethinking roles and definitions. And at the individual level,...

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Top 5 Reasons Why You Need to Know Your Talents

There are many reasons why you need to know your talents but these are the main ones I would like to share with you. 1, Energy It's very simple. Your talents give you energy, mental energy. When you are doing something where you use your talents, you will feel...

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Nine Questions for Crafting Your 2016

What would make 2016 your best year yet? If 2016 was a year you will look back on as a game changer, a year that changed everything, what would have taken place? What you would like to learn or develop this year? What would you like more of? What would you like less...

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