True North’s mission is for you
to achieve full potential,
in your work and in your life.

Do you feel…
Like you lost your MOJO?
Disengaged, unsure and aimless?
Unclear on your next step? 
Like you are always on the go with no time to think? 
Like you aren’t the best leader you can be?  

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True happiness involves the full use of one’s power and talents.
John W. Gardner

On the blog

One powerful strategy to develop your mental fitness

Mental fitness is your capacity to handle life’s challenges with a positive mindset rather than getting stressed or upset. As we grow up with hardwired (negative) thought patterns, it is often a challenge to develop that more positive mindset. Through the years, I...

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My biggest takeaway from the confinement

Photo by Aaron Burden on Unspalsh We can all agree that the lockdown due to Covid-19 has shifted something in us, deeply. What shape it will eventually take, time will tell.  As we’re entering deconfinement, reflections are popping up everywhere at a societal,...

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I Value Your Input

I recently gave a couple of workshops and would like to do more of them! I would like to ask you for your input on what topics would be interesting to you. I have come up with a number of topics and would like to ask you to click yes if you would find it valuable. I...

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