Hello December! The last month of a year we will no doubt, never forget. Some of us might remember what happened in 2002. Everyone will remember 2020.
It is a challenging year.
At the beginning of the pandemic, during the first lockdown, we managed the newness of it and adapted. Now, it’s more challenging. The days are darker and colder. The pandemic is dragging on. People are tired of it.
When we get tired, the stress level is rising. And when stress level rises, the chances for conflict rises too in both personal and professional space, dissatisfaction in jobs grows. Negative emotions take over and influence our behaviour, our reactions, how we deal with others.
If unattended, it can lead to significant dissatisfaction and unhappiness.
But it can be different.
We can influence how we feel and think, handle stress, manage our emotions, connect to others. This has an impact on you as an individual, as a manager, as a partner.
It comes down to taking care of what happens in our brain. All these negative emotions live in one part of our brain fueling what we call saboteurs, those negative voices we all hear.
There are ways to calm those voices down. Simple ways really.
This week Wednesday I’ll be hosting a webinar sharing what you can do to become mentally fit and deal with challenges with a positive mindset, rather than getting stressed.
Getting mentally fit is not a luxury. It is not an option. It is a must.
Getting mentally fit does require effort surely. Like getting physically fit does. But it’s doable and reachable for all.
Come and join us at this free webinar: Positive Intelligence for Better Career and Relationships on Wednesday December 9 at 6 pm CET.
To enroll: https://coachingilsenoppen.as.me/PositiveIntelligenceforBetterCareerandRelationships
For more information: https://truenorthconsulting.eu/webinar-positive-intelligence-for-better-career-and-relationships/