True North’s mission is for you
to achieve full potential,
in your work and in your life.

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Unclear on your next step? 
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True happiness involves the full use of one’s power and talents.
John W. Gardner

On the blog


Silence. We often feel uncomfortable with silence. We are all too eager to fill up silences with ‘noises’, we continue talking.However, silence can be a good sign!When a person is silent, they are thinking, they gather their thoughts, tune into what they feel, come to...

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My wish for 2025 when it comes to humanizing the workplace

Last week I was part of a panel at HumanizeTheWorkplace, discussing ‘How to Boost Your Wellbeing While Working From Home?’. It was a fantastic moment of sharing and exchanging ideas, observations and experiences. The last question our host, Vivian Acqua, asked was:...

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Reflections for 2021

An unusual stock taking time A New Year following a very unusual year. Time for reflection right? Reflection about the past year - to take along into the unfolding year.  Covid has made 2020 a challenging year. Challenges are opportunities to grow, to learn,...

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